
Daitoujutsu Shoden

Daitoujutsu (太刀術) is a sub-specialisation of kenjutsu (刀術) focusing on the use of the Japanese long-sword. Daitoujutsu shoden is a foundational module that teaches the basic principles and concepts of two handed Japanese swordsmanship. 

The fundamentals of daitoujutsu are split into three levels; shoden, chuuden and jouden or beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Daitoujutsu shoden is made up of 18 forms split into three categories, postures [kamae] (構), cutting [kiri] (切) and receiving [uke] (受). These three areas are called Daitou Roppou Kamae, Daitou Roppou Kiri and Daitou Roppou Uke respectively. 

These forms are designed to reinforce muscle memory and practice good martial habits.

Daitoujutsu Shoden Kamae - 大刀術初伝

Kamae (構) are postures or biomechanical structures of the body for specific use in both unarmed and armed combat. The kamae practiced in Daitoujutsu are derived from the Gyokko Ryu or Jade Tiger School.

Gedan no Kamae - 下段の構 (Low Level Posture): The lead leg is facing forward toward the opponent and the rear leg facing away toward the path of escape or evasion. The sword is held in both hands in front, lead hand on top. The blade is facing down in a low position. 

Chuudan no Kamae - 中段の構 (Middle Level Posture): The lead leg is facing forward toward the opponent and the rear leg facing away toward the path of escape or evasion. The sword is held in both hands in front, lead hand on top. The blade is straight forward parallel with the ground. 

Seigan no Kamae - 青眼の構 (True Eye Posture): The lead leg is facing forward toward the opponent and the rear leg facing away toward the path of escape or evasion. The sword is held in both hands in front, lead hand on top. The blade is pointing toward the opponent's eyes.

Joudan no Kamae - 上段の構 (High Level Posture): The lead leg is back facing the direction of attack and the rear foot is forward facing the opponent. The sword is held in both hands in front, lead hand on top. The blade is pointing up in a straight line.

Hassou no Kamae - 八相の構 (Eight Aspects Posture): The lead leg is back facing the direction of attack and the rear foot is forward facing the opponent. The sword is held in both hands to the side, lead hand on top. The blade is close to the body pointing up in a straight line.

Kuji no Kamae - 九字の構 (Nine Character Posture): 
The lead leg is facing forward toward the opponent and the rear leg facing away toward the path of escape or evasion. The sword is held in both hands behind, lead hand on top. The blade is low and swept back.

Daitoujutsu Shoden Kiri - 大刀術初伝

Kiri (切) refers six basic techniques (waza) [技] that are designed to align the body and teach proper biomechanics. These waza are represented as cutting directions

Kiri Age - 切上 (Cutting from Above): From joudan no kamae, step forward and cut down ending in chuudan no kamae.  

Kiri Kesa -  切袈裟 (Cutting the Stole): For the right side, from joudan no kamae, step forward with the lead leg and cut down diagonally to the right side ending in chuudan no kamae. For the left side, from joudan no kamae, shift forward with the rear foot and cut to the left side, ending in chuudan no kamae. 

Kiri Ichimonji -  切一文字 (Cutting One Character): For the right, from hassou no kamae, drop the blade back in ura chuudan no kamae, then step forward with the lead leg bringing the blade to cut at mid level, ending in chuudan no kamae. For the left side, from hassou no kamae, shift forward with the rear foot and drop the blade into hidari chuudan at the same time, stretch forward to complete the cut.

Kiri Jouhou - 切上方 (Cutting Upward)For the right side, from migi kuji no kamae, step forward with the lead leg and at the same time bring the blade up diagonally ending in chuudan no kamae. For the left, from hidari kuji no kamae, step forward with the rear leg and cut diagonally upward ending in chuudan no kamae.

Kiri Sage - 切下 (Cutting from Below): From kuji no kamae, shift the blade forward so it is facing down, then cut and step at the same time bringing the blade to chuudan no kamae.

Tsuki 突 (Thrust): For the right side, from chuudan no kamae, bring the weapon back and at the same time bring the rear foot to the lead foot, then lunge forward on the lead foot and thrust forward ending in chuudan no kamae. For the left side, from chuudan no kamae, draw the lead foot to the rear foot while at the same time bringing the weapon back, then lunge forward on the rear foot and thrust ending in chuudan no kamae.

Daitoujutsu Shoden Uke - 大刀術初伝

Uke (受) are basic deflections used to redirect or intercept incoming attacks. 

Tsuki Uke - 突受 (Thrust Receiving): From gedan no kamae. Opponent cuts in from joudan no kamae, lunge forward with the lead foot and thrust into the lead jakkin (area between shoulder and torso).

Age Uke - 起転受 (Above Receiving): From joudan no kamae. The opponent cuts in from kuji no kamae, shift to the side and cut down to the nagare (forearm).  

Jōdan Uke - 上段受 (High Receiving): From gedan no kamae. The opponent cuts in diagonally from joudan no kamae, shift to the side and bring the blade up, receiving the cut. 

Gedan Uke - 下段受 (Low Receiving): From joudan no kamae. The opponent thrusts in from chuudan no kamae, shift to the side and deflect the blade from above.

Seigan Uke - 青眼受 (True Eye Receiving): From gedan no kamae. Shift back and move into seigan no kamae. 

Kerisage Uke - 蹴下受 (Rising Kick Receiving): From gedan no kamae. The opponent cuts in and the tsuba (hand guard) of the blades lock in; the opponent follows up with a kick from the lead foot. Shift the lead leg around and kick up with the rear leg to the back of the opponent's knee or leg.