
Kosshijutsu Chuuden

Kosshijutsu (骨指術) is an ancient form of armed and unarmed combat which focuses on striking muscles, organs and nerves to disrupt and dismantle the opponent. Kosshijutsu chuuden is an intermediate learning module that takes core foundation and principles from the shoden module and applies it to drills, paired techniques and advanced kosshijutsu concepts.
The fundamentals of kosshijutsu are split into three levels; shoden, chuuden and jouden or beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Kosshijutsu chuuden is made up of 18 forms split into three categories, drills [keiko] (稽古), captures [torite] (捕手), and concepts [gainen] (概念). These three areas are called Kosshi Roppou Keiko, Kosshi Roppou Torite and Kosshi Roppou Gainen respectively.

These forms are designed to reinforce muscle memory and practice good martial habits.

Prerequisites for Kosshijutsu Chuuden are:
- Taihenjutsu Shoden
- Kihenjutsu Shoden
- Kosshijutsu Shoden

Kosshijutsu Chuuden Keiko - 骨指術中伝稽古

Keiko (稽古) are drills that reinforce Kamae (構), Daken (打拳) and Uke (受) into a flowing exercise with a giver and a receiver. This allows both parties to reinforce their training in a safe environment, while developing their skills and experience.

[一] Fudou Uke to Joudan Tsuki - 不動受と上段突 (Immovable Receiving and High Thrust): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with joudan tsuki from seigan no kamae. Receive the strike with fudou uke and shift back.

[] Gedan Uke to Gedan Tsuki - 下段受と下段突 (Low Receiving and Low Thrust): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with gedan tsuki from seigan no kamae. Receive the strike with gedan uke and shift back.

[三] Joudan Uke to Omote Kiten - 上段受と表起転 (High Receiving and Outside Turning): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with omote kiten from seigan no kamae. Receive the strike with joudan uke and shift back.

[四] Seigan Uke to Ura Kiten - 青眼受と裏起転 (True Eye Receiving and Inside Turning): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with ura kiten from seigan no kamae. Receive the strike with seigan uke and shift back.

[] Kiten Uke to Shitan Sage - 起転受と指端下 (Turning Receiving and Rising Finger Strike): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with shitan age from seigan no kamae. Receive the strike with kiten uke and shift back.

[六] Kerisage to Tsukigeri - 蹴下と突蹴 (Rising Kick and Thrust Kick): Tori is in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes with shako ken from seigan no kamae, steps then kicks on the same side. Receive and cover the shako ken, then turn the body aside while kicking up to the opponent's sai, kaku or yaku.

Keiko practices both flow and pressure. Receiving continuous attacks from the opponent will imprint the movements and techniques into the muscle memory of the body allowing the body to react and letting the mind worry about the tactical picture.

Kosshijutsu Chuuden Torite - 骨指術中伝捕手

Torite (捕手) are six capturing techniques from grabs to the chest, elbow and wrist. These techniques are designed to practice escaping from grabs, but also distance, timing and angles. As with the keiko, these techniques should be practiced to a point of instinct.

[一] Omote Gyaku - 表逆 (Outside Reverse): Opponent grabs the chest or lapel. Cover the opponent's hand with your rear hand and the opponent's shoulder with the lead hand and shift back. Secure your lapel with your lead hand, then shift back and pull the opponent's hand from the lapel, while pushing the opponent's hand away and shifting back. Grab the opponent's wrist with both hands and apply the gyaku by shifting back and bringing the wrist to the hip. Kick into the kimon.

[二] Ura Gyaku - 裏逆 (Inside Reverse): Opponent grabs the chest or lapel. Cover the opponent's hand with your rear hand and the opponent's shoulder with the lead hand and shift back. Shift the lead hand back to grab the wrist and step across, while shifting the rear hand to the shoulder joint. Shift the lead hand up to grab the opponent's wrist with both hands and apply the gyaku. Kick into the kimon.

[三] Ganseki Nage - 巌石投 (Boulder Throw): Opponent grabs the elbow. Cover the opponent's shoulder with the lead hand and shift forward, taking the opponent's balance. Bring the rear hand underneath the opponent's arm and drive the elbow into the kimon. Step through with the rear leg and drive down with the forearm. Bring the opponent to the ground and kick to the kimon.

[四] Musha Dori - 武者捕 (Warrior Capture): Opponent grabs the elbow. Cover the opponent's shoulder with the lead hand and shift forward, taking the opponent's balance. Bring the rear hand over the opponent's arm and pivot around, facing away from the opponent. Apply the capture and bring the opponent to the ground and kick into the kimon.

[五] Musou Dori - 無双捕 (Peerless Capture): Opponent grabs the wrist. Cover the opponent's shoulder and shift to the side, taking the opponent's balance. Place the hand on the shoulder blade and pull the opponent forward, while bringing the opponent's arm up, throwing them on the ground. Kick into the kimon.

[六] Oni Kudaki - 鬼砕 (Demon Break): Opponent grabs the wrist. Cover the opponent's shoulder and shift to the side, taking the opponent's balance. Bring the rear arm under the opponent's arm while bringing the lead hand up. Grab the opponent's arm with the rear hand and apply the capture. Throw the opponent and kick to the kimon.

Torite are capturing techniques designed to escape from a grab or attack, while taking control of the opponent. The Torite of Kosshijutsu teach the basic fundamentals of capturing techniques and capture escape. The techniques are split into three areas, chest, elbow and wrist; covering both the ura and omote (inside and outside) sides of the technique. The concept is that if an opponent resists one way, then move and take advantage of the other way.

Kosshijutsu Chuuden Gainen - 骨指術中伝概念

Gainen (概念) are general concepts hidden within the techniques of Kosshijutsu. The idea of Gainen are to teach the basic tactics of the style in very simple kata. The Gainen of Kosshijutsu are an extension of Keiko with an encrypted lesson.

[一] Kiten Toppa no Kata - 起転突破の型 (Turning Fist Penetration): Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae. From Seigan no Kamae, the uke strikes with Joudan Tsuki. Tori strikes with Joudan Uke into the Uke's rear guard clearing it and then strikes the Amedo with Omote Kiten.

[二] Kiten Taoshi no Kata - 起転倒の型 (Turning Fist Felling): Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae. From Seigan no Kamae, the uke strikes with gedan tsuki to the Kimon. The Tori transitions to Hichou no Kamae and then receives the strike with Gedan Uke, then follows with a kick up to the Uke's Hoshi with the lead leg. The Tori then steps forward striking to the Amedo with Ura Kiten Ken.

[三] Kiten Geigeki no Kata - 起転迎撃の型 (Turning Fist Counter): Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae. From Seigan no kamae, the Uke strikes with Omote Shutou to the Tori's Amedo. The Tori receives the Shutou with Joudan Uke on the inside, then strikes down to the Nagare with Kiten Ken and following up immediately with an Ura Shutou to the Uke's Amedo.

[四] Kiten Kaihi no Kata - 起転回避の型 (Turning Fist Evasion): Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae. From Seigan no Kamae, the Uke strikes with Ura Shutou to the Tori's Amedo. The Tori receives the Shutou with Joudan Uke on the outside, then strikes up to the Uke's lead arm with Kiten Ken, using the same arm, the Tori strikes down with Omote Shuto to the Uke's amedo on the same side.

[五] Keri Kaihi Furiko no Kata - 蹴回避振子の型 (Kick Evasion Pendulum): Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae. From Seigan no Kamae, the Uke shifts forward striking with Shako Ken to the Tori's face and then takes a step kicking up to the Gedan with the lead leg. The Tori receives the Shako Ken and pivots the rear leg away from the Uke's kick, following up with Keri Sage to the Uke's Sai, Kaku or Yaku; and then striking to the Kimon with Shitou Ken.

[六] Jumonji no Kata - 斬隠 (Cruciform): Jumonji no kamae. From ichimonji no kamae, the opponent strikes with joudan tsuki. Intercept the thrust with jumonji no kamae and use joudan uke to open the opponent, then strike with shitou ken to the hoshi. Step back and the opponent attacks again. Same as before on the other side.

Gainen are general concepts that illustrate the purpose behind the movement or tactics in kosshijutsu. Simple ideas like evading and counter striking or receiving and attacking the opponent's attack are some of the core doctrine of kosshijutsu of the Jade Tiger school. These lessons are embedded in the gainen.

Review and Conclusion

Kosshijutsu Chuuden encompasses all the lessons taught in Kosshijutsu Shoden and Taihenjutsu Shoden, Chuuden and Jouden. Kossijutsu is the foundation of the Jade Tiger School and also often referred to as 'the foundation of all martial arts'. Kosshijutsu is the ultimate form of armed martial arts against armored or protected attackers using both weapons or unarmed strikes. With efficient strikes, capture defence and counterattack, and doctrine focused on attacking weak-points with pinpoint accuracy, Kosshijutsu is the warrior's system of combat.